The silo is designed for pneumatic pressure loa usually using the compressor included with the material transport tanker. The silos namely a mirror-smooth inner wall. The product is extracted through a vibrating steel cone that . RKW Hyplast NV for the storage of plastic granules.
More concretely, granules of PP and PE were stored for the fabrication of plastic film.
Even after years, the silos are in good order and there is no contamination or any quality loss. These silos made of polyester are light, watertight, and offer a high mechanic resistance as well as thermal insulation degree. They last very long because they don´t corrode or get ruste no need of any kind of maintenance work and very easy to control inside. Welcome to the industrial Polem website!
Polem is specialised in the production of large dia. Légers et hermétiques, venez découvrir les silos polyester en kit ! Grâce à un système de ventilation efficace nos silos polyester en kit offrent une très bonne durée de vie. Les silos polyester en kit Beiser environnement sont accessibles pour un bon rapport qualité-prix !
Capacity: m³ – 1m³. The preservation of these products is crucial. Continue reading