Translation to Spanish, pronunciation, and forum discussions. They conveyed the cargo to the battlefront. Примеры перевода, содержащие „ convey a meaning“ – Русско-английский словарь и система поиска по миллионам русских переводов. На странице рассматривается глагол convey – перевод , формы, английское произношение и спряжение в настоящем, прошедшем и будущем времени.
Русский перевод слова convey , транскрипция, произношение, синонимы, устойчивые фразы и примеры предложений. Audio pronunciations, verb conjugations, quizzes and more.
Está a cargo de encontrar la manera de transportar los productos de un lugar a otro. The device conveys sound through bone and assists the hard of hearing. El dispositivo lleva el sonido a través del hueso y ayuda a personas con.
Бесплатный Online-словарь Translate. Поиск по специализированным словарям, грамматика, произношение, транскрипция и правила . Meaning and definitions of convey , translation in Gujarati language for convey with similar and opposite words. Fifteen key reasons favor interpreting κεφαλή as “source” rather than “authority” here.
The Greek OT (LXX) shows that most of its translators did not regard “ head” (κεφαλή) as an appropriate word to convey “leader.
In order to translate the Hebrew metaphorical use of “head” () where it means “leader,” this diverse group of . The aspiration to make my translation speak to everyone has required me to take liberties with grammar from which some translators would shrink, but which do not, I believe, distort the meaning of the text. So, for example, sometimes the Sanskrit uses the third person masculine singular to convey a meaning that is . Huge ships convey oil from the Middle East. Zelfstandig naamwoord) the act of conveying: “the conveyance of goods. A bus is a public conveyance.
Транскрипция и произношение слова convey в британском и американском вариантах. Подробный перевод и примеры. Перевести to convey a negative message на: испанскийнемецкий французскийпортугальскийитальянскийкитайскийдатскийгреческийфинский венгерскийнидерландскийнорвежскийпольскийтурецкийукраинский казахскийтатарскийлатинский. Synonyms for convey at Thesaurus. Перевод добавила Alesya Nesterovich.
Транскрипция, определения, примеры использования, предложения с переводом на русский язык. Dictionary and Word of the Day. Derived from the Latin verb transfero meaning to transfer, convey , translate , or carry over, we offer the term tertius transferens (the third who translates) to capture the meaning-making motivations of cultural brokers. In summary, there are at least three distinct functions played by brokers in creative industries that shift as .