Guarantee of reliable logistics: The . Choose at least one alternative. IBC Container Standard. Legal regulations have been developed in relation to the transport of hazardous goods, which aim to help avoid accidents and to protect humans, materials and the environment.
IBCs consist of a metal frame surrounding a blow- moulded inner bottle and are mounted on the pallet.
All our containers are UN approved and fully stackable. IBCs are also available with a wood or metal pallet. Voor iedereen een voordeel. Disse er ikke rengjort. LxBxH) med lokk Ø1mm.
The wetted inner layer is made from the purest virgin HDPE material available, assuring chemical integrity where the utmost purity is critical. The all-plastic design ensures extended .
Ventilen er jordet med en gjenge som skrus så på begge ender. Overflaten av lokket har en spesiell struktur, som er ribbet og fører den statiske elektrisitet. UN-godkända för farligt gods.
Vi har även rekonditionerade IBC-tankar – ring för tillgång. Visa filterRensa filter . Garanti för tillförlitlig logistik: . We are highly acknowledged organization engaged in presenting a remarkable more. Availavle with cover. Outdoor termek_galleria_kepek: 0. Loading Updating cart.
An AutoCAD DWG 3D model for inclusion in industrial scenes. De HDPE blaas is ingesloten in een gelast frame van verzinkte stalen buizen . I aso have the adapter available for quick release hose fittings for this use. Ideal for water storage, bio fuel storage etc.
We are open for collections from our unit in Retfor Nottinghamshire.
We also have large stocks of ballast IBCs suitable for use as marquee weights. We offer one of the most wide-reaching UK delivery services online with delivery prices available for the majority of UK locations including the Scottish Highlands, Isle of Man and Nothern Ireland. Find all the manufacturers of ibc container and contact them directly on DirectIndustry.
Up to SCHÄFER Cubes fit into a transport lorry – Optimum container emptying due to deep-drawn bottom section with low dead space – Reduced overall height enables use on. Intermediate Bulk Container.