The fixation pressure is distributed over a. An adapter to enable safe transport of bikes with carbon frames. Гарантия Thule BringIt ! Guarantee распространяется на все дефекты и ущерб, относящиеся к вашему продукту Thule , даже если ущерб вызван обычным износом или обесцвечиванием материалов в течение двух лет с даты покупки изделия первым . All-round protection for on the go. A soft TPE rubber cover distributes the pressure over a larger surface and thus reduces the risk of damages to the .
Free UK delivery, 3Day returns policy. This small aftermarket accessory simply straps over the clamping point of the frame and disperses the forces along a 10cm area. This reduces the risk of damage to carbon frames by distributing the pressure over a larger surface area.
Only works with Thule bike carriers with a torque limiter knob (e.g. Thule ProRide 59 Thule EasyFol Thule EuroClassic G6). Will not work with other bike racks. Buy Thule 9Carbon Frame Protector Now at Pushys.
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The 9is designed to protect carbon bikes from damge whilst being transported in any Thule bicycle carrier that clamps around and makes contact with the frame. They are also a great solution for any bike that has exposed cables throughout the clamping area. Buy THULE Carbon Frame Protector Bike Carriers for £12. Cycle Gear Free Shipping.
We are an international group of people united by our own passion for helping active families and outdoor enthusiasts. Thule helps you transport anything you care for safely, . The Thule 9Carbon Frame Protector is an adapter to enable safe transport of bikes with carbon frames. Adjustable carbon frame protector. Highly versatile, can fit almost any shape of frame tube. Rigi rubber backed ribs conform to the shape of your bike, spreading clamping forces and improving grip.
The Thule Carbon frame protector protects your frame against the pressure of the frame holder. The thermoplastic rubber prevents dents and scratches on your frame. It fits all frames and is easily adjustable. Der Thule Protekt Adapert schützt meinen Carbon Rahmen beim Transport auf dem Thule XT Träger.
Wie von Thule gewohnt sind die Produkte gut durchdacht und haben Qualität, aber der Adapter ist dafür einfach ZU teuer. Hätte ich den Adapter nicht im Angebot bekommen wäre er mir einfach zu teuer.