These include the steel industry, foundries, and the glass, cement, ceramic and chemical industries. We are continuously developing our systems, and we are proud to rank among the leading providers of pyrometers and infrared thermometers worldwide. Product Feature: Digital pyrometer with extended Sensor head. Analog and digital output, USB 2. Temperature Range: 0ºC – 800º C Download Catalogue .
It can be used for measuring the temperature of molten lea molten aluminum, and forging steel. Contact the manufacturer directly to receive a quote. It is robustly constructed and highly . Meetsnoeren, ± cm. Display, Letter hoogte mm.
Batterij ( Inclusief), Volts Blok batterij . The universal infrared thermometer for a variety of applications.
Impressive technical data, for example a temperature range from -° C to. C , a high optical resolution of. C at ° C to 2° C ;. PYROSPOT series – high-precision with fiber cable. MAURER – DIGITAL – INFRARED – PYROMETER. A pyrometer – as small as a cigarette-box – but powerful like a big one.
Our pyrometer selector tool enables to find the suitable infrared thermometer for your temperature measurement task. However, the two-color facility . For higher temperatures measurements non-contact type IR pyrometers are used. Standard Insert: pockets, 8. Three Microsecond Time Constant.
Measurements: microsec (to 6 ). Minimum Spot Size: 0. Vacuum to: 10–Torr. Emissivity Setting: 0. Backlighting Optional.
State what type of instrument you would select to measure temperature over the following ranges with the degree of accuracy that can be expected: I —- 100° to 0° 0. With a Leeds 6: Northrup resistance indicator, .