De naam was afkomstig van de Griekse zeevaarder en geograaf Pytheas van Massalia. Hij zou vanaf Groot-Brittannië naar Thule gevaren zijn, dat volgens hem het verste van alle landen was. Waar zijn Thule lag, is niet duidelijk. Перейти к разделу Discovery of Thule – Pytheas of Massalia was a Greek geographer and explorer from the Greek colony of Massalia (modern-day Marseille).
He made a voyage of exploration to northwestern Europe in about 3BC, but his description of it, widely known in Antiquity, has not survived. He supposedly was sent out by the Greek city of Massalia to see where their trade- goods were coming from.
Descriptions of some of his discoveries have survived in the works of . Arctic regions was a Greek, Pytheas , who in the 4th century bce made a voyage from the Mediterranean, around Britain, to a place he called Thule , variously identified as the Shetlands, Icelan and Norway. In the intervening years there has been much work by . In midsummer, the sun retires to its resting place for only two or three hours. The inhabitants lived on wild berries and millet (in this case, probably oats) and made mead (a drink) from wild honey. From his description, Thule was probably Norway in the present.
Here, he states, days have up to twenty hours of sunlight in summer and twenty hours of darkness in . The idea of Thule was entwined with mysteries and gaps.
It was intriguing to . At this point, it is very likely that heavy fog, bone-chilling col and thick floes of ice prevented any further travel north. Nonetheless, it was in reference to this place that . Dieselbe Entfernung bezeugt Plinius II. Der Zusammenhang sowie die Übereinstimmung . As for Thule itself, some claim it is Icelan others Norway, still others the Shetland Islands. In any case, Pytheas also reported that Thule was so far north that, in the middle of summer, the sun went down for only two or three hours. In general, much of what Pytheas would describe and report was a mixture of the truth and . The account is, that Pytheas departed from Marseilles, coasted Spain, France, and the east or north-east side of Britain, as far as its northern extremity.
Pytheas gives the name of Orcas to this extreme point of the British Isles, a name which in later times was transferred to the Orkneys or Orcades. There was no night there in the Summer. Poets rhymed Thule with newly, truly and unruly, but never, it seeme with drool.
The Greek explorer Pytheas is the first to have written of Thule , doing so in his now lost work, On the Ocean, after his travels between 3and 3BCE. He was sent out by the Greek city of Massalia to see where their trade-goods were coming from. View the profiles of people named Pytheas Thule. Pytheas was a 4th century BC explorer who visited places such as Britain, and a mysterious Thule (which he calls the northernmost of the Prettanic (British) isles), which has been interpreted as the Shetland Islands, the Faroe Islands, Icelan Norway and even Greenland (I am inclined towards Iceland).
Ancient records suggest that the Greek navigator Pytheas visited the Arctic about 3years ago.
He sailed through the Pillars of Hercules (Gibralter) to Scotlan then north – seeking a legendary land called Thule where the sun shone all night long. Thule , or his death. Pytheas claimed to have reached Thule (probably around Iceland), and . The Dominion of Pytheas Thule is a massive, environmentally stunning nation, ruled by Elizabeth Isleworth with a fair han and remarkable for its digital currency, absence of drug laws, and devotion to social welfare.
The compassionate, hard-working, democratic population of 1. Thuleans enjoy a sensible mix of . He claimed that the mysterious Thule mentioned by Pytheas was actually Saaremaa.