Easy-to-use roof rack including all components and tools in one package. An easy to use roof rack with all components included in the package. Complete pack, including feet and bars.
Lockable with the help of a special tool, included in the package. City Crash approved for kg according to ISO Norm. Meer informatie of bestellen?
We stock a great range of products at everyday prices. Clubcard points on every order. Free worldwide delivery available. Over 1years of family tradition. Book includes PDF, ePub and.
Features- All components of the roof rack are included in the package. Maximum load capacity for the. Alle onderdelen zitten in verpakking.
Om deze dakdrager te monteren is er geen gereedschap nodig. De universele voet is voorzien van rubber, zodat dit krassen voorkomt op de dakrails. A complete packed universal railing rack. Ausgestattet ist der . The delivery includes a foot set, square load bars with a length of 127cm and mounting equipment. More about SmartRack 7(1cm) from Thule.
The rubber lining protects the surface of the railing from scratching. It consists of two cargo racks and matching feet. The rack is easily mounte and sits firmly on the roof rails! Große Auswahl und Gratis Lieferung durch Amazon ab 29€.
Passt nur auf Autos mit Dachreling. Couldn’t find the manual that you were looking for? Please try our search function first. Thule SmartRack 7- Kompatibilität.
Handig voor als je op vakantie gaat en geen idee hebt waar je alles moet laten. De SmartRack kan tot wel kilogram dragen. Je kunt de drager combineren met verschillende onderdelen, zoals een fietsendrager of dakkoffer. Op die manier kun je .
Nu te koop bij Dakdragerstore.