Harcostar garden products

You may also be interested in. Saint-Gobain PAM UK, part of leading international. A premium brand that offers the highest quality garden products including compost bins, water barrels and watering cans.

Designed to help improve resource efficiency, we have a selection of environmental garden products including home composters and water butts. You can find all you need for anyone with green-fingers, whether they are keen gardeners or specialists. The sale was for £400and the business will move to Gem Plastics, .

Welcome to evengreener. Specialists in water butts, compost bins and garden products and wheelie bins for over years. Evengreener have a wide . The 190L Rainsaver water butt is the top selling water butt in the UK.

Tough, durable and UK made, these water butts are excellent. For more deal headlines click here. Look after the homeless with this blue tit nesting box. Garden machinery, tools and equipment.

Attractive and functioning wildlife item suitable for any modern garden. Collects rain water safely. Extension kit for the easy to grow kit. Buy any amount of connector pipe.

Add to Bag View. Lightweight plant pots as used on . This trusted premium brand offers lightweight, robust, water butts which provide high performance in all weather conditions. We have different sizes that will suit all outdoor areas, from small patio spaces to large gardens.

Sizes available: 1litres . Sankey Water Butt Stand – BQ for all your home and garden supplies and advice on all the latest DIY trends. This tap allows you to connect a hosepipe to your water butt, giving you extra flexibility and making it much easier to water the garden. The sturdy plastic tap fits directly onto the water butt, and is compatible with Hozelock connectors. Pure rain by Bas van . This gained new distribution channels for the business in the UK and in Europe. On behalf of: Straight plc (Straight or the Group).

LEEDS-based Straight, the environmental products and services group, has signed a lucrative distribution agreement. Buy Product : Delivery by Crocus.

Large garden lake 2litre water butt kit. Harcostar child safe water butt 2Litre.
