The parlor palm has been used as an indoor plant in the United States for at least years. This attractive little plant was first discovered in Central America and brought back to the United States, where it . Включает более ста видов низкорослых древесных растений, широко распространённых в Южной и Центральной Америке. Местные жители используют в пищу (в основном как овощ в салатах) . They are small palms , growing to 0.
This article is an introduction to many of the more commonly grown species in cultivation along with a few comments on cultivation and . Potted plant, Parlor palm. IKEA FAMILY member price. Price per : undefined – undefined While supplies last in participating US stores. Others require more care but are still rewarding houseplants over a long period. Vandaar de naam Mexicaanse dwergpalm.
Palm trees have an amazing amount of variations and differences in morphology, creating one the most diverse range of species. Basic characteristics of palm trees include .